UniWater FL

You Deserve Clean Fresh Healthy Quality Water For Your Entire Home

UniWater FL  are experts trained in all aspects of our water treatment products  and can provide you with advice as to which system is right for you, from the simple to the complex. You can rest assured that our specialists maintain a full inventory of replacement filters and supplies to provide the quickest possible service.
 Our systems are certified under NSF or WQA standards. Our systems are certified and tested to withstand Florida’s brutal water and climate. Need a softener? Not only do we have them, we install the one that works best in Florida. Need something to remove iron? We’ll install a system that is guaranteed to remove Iron. 
We provide many different types of water treatment system including water softeners, salt-free water systems, reverse osmosis systems, water filtration equipment, iron and sulfur removal systems, water treatment equipment service and repair, and much more.

always there for you. We stand behind every system. We are always ready to answer any questions you may have, and here to provide you with  the clean , healthy water you and your family deserve.        CLICK HERE SCHEDULE YOUR FREE WATER TEST. 



Hard water is water that has a high concentration of calcium and magnesium. Have you noticed water spots on your glasses or utensils, soap scum in your tub and on shower doors, or a filmy residue after you wash your hands? Hard water is likely the culprit. Soap reacts with the high level of calcium and magnesium in hard water to produce the water spots and residue you can see and feel. When your home has hard water, you need more soap or detergent to get things clean. And while hard water isn’t dangerous, it can create frustrating inefficiency with whatever you’re trying to get clean—and that can prove costly. Mineral deposits also can form when hard water is heated, as with your home water heater. This can “reduce the life of equipment, raise the costs of heating the water, lower the efficiency of electric water heaters, and clog pipes


Here in FLORIDA, most of us have hard water, though the hardness levels vary. Installing a water softener is the only truly effective way to remove the hardness-causing minerals (primarily calcium and magnesium) cause nasty yellow stains on your clothes from your household water. Left untreated, the minerals (scale) from hard water can clog up pipes, fixtures, appliances and hot water heaters. Those minerals also show-up as hard water spots on glassware and dishes, cause nasty yellow stains on your clothes, and create soap scum that leads to dry hair and itchy skin. That said, if your main concern is the water you drink and cook with, you should consider installing a water filtration system in your kitchen.      


It's important to test well water and other private sources at least once a year to assure everything is contamination-free. You should also test your water if you do any repairs on the well or the piping system. Contact a local well pump repair service, and they can assist you with this process.

Will we ever run out of soft water to shower, especially when we have company over?

It’s just the two of us, we don’t need a huge, expensive system, do we?) Size definitely matters. A system that is too big for your needs can be a waste by using extra salt and electricity for unnecessary regeneration, but a too-small system won’t be able to keep up with your needs. A pro can help you calculate optimal capacity for your family’s everyday needs, however, if you have company often, a higher capacity system may make more sense. On the other hand, dual-tank water systems never run out. One tank of soft water is always available while the other is regenerating.

What is the cost of ownership (and ultimate payback) for this softener?

Many of the most obvious benefits a water softener provides are aesthetic. Your water will look better and you’ll spend a lot less time scrubbing fixtures and dishes. You can stop fighting dry skin and brittle, tangled hair. The right system will deliver all those wonderful results as cost-effectively as possible. Your dishwasher, water heater, and washing machine will last far longer and perform far better than they can with hard water. Your clothing and household linens will look and feel better and last longer without fading or discoloration.

florida's drinking water imageflorida's drinking water imageflorida's drinking water image

Florida is running out of drinking water from the Floridan Aquifer 

Our main source of drinking water which has been relatively clean, cheap and plentiful — until now. The average Floridian uses about 158 gallons per day. New residential development uses much more water than older homes because about 67% of its water is for landscape irrigation. The map shows most of Florida is either “Running Low” or “Empty.” Over-development has depleted the drinking water supply in most parts of Florida. Explosive population growth and wasteful water use requires enormous water volumes from the Aquifer. Unrestrained pumping results in salt water intrusion which destroys fresh water. Salt in drinking water wells requires development of new water sources or a very expensive process called desalination to remove the salt. Unrestrained pumping also draws down Florida’s surface waters springs, rivers, lakes and wetlands. It also causes dangerous sink holes. Building and paving over aquifer recharge areas precludes the aquifer from being replenished.

What about alternative water supplies?
Although politicians talk a lot about alternative water supplies, few Florida governments realistically depend on these sources because of their costs and feasibility. Alternative water supplies include surface water from lakes and rivers; man-made reservoirs; retreatment of waste-water; and desalination. Surface water & reclaimed waste-water are about 5 times more expensive than aquifer water. Desalinated water is about 10 times more expensive than aquifer water.

How much more drinking water will your community need at build-out? 
How much has your water bill gone up over the past few years? Because clean drinking water is a precious resource, you can expect your costs to go up and your supplies to continue to diminish.



Water is seemingly everywhere. You can pass by a local beach on your way to work and see boats sailing on the lake. You can feel it on your skin during a warm, spring rain. You can turn on the faucet in your kitchen right now to wash a bowl of vegetables or fruit. We drink water, bathe in it, and cook with it. Our easy access to water makes it appear nearly limitless. Although water comprises 70% of Earth, only one percent of water is fresh and usable. This one percent of water comes from lakes, rivers, or the ground. Your water either comes from a public source (water treatment facilities) or from a private source (wells). And this water is the result of Earth’s water cycle



During the water cycle, water moves from one reservoir to another in a continuous motion. The sun heats bodies of water, which causes the water to evaporate. As it evaporates, it rises higher in the atmosphere, where the cold temperatures cause the water vapor to condense into clouds. Cloud particles bond to each other, condensing the vapor and causing it to fall back into the bodies of water in the form of rain, sleet, or snow. The process is then repeated again, starting with the sun warming the bodies of water and causing evaporation



About 20% of the world’s fresh water supply comes from groundwater. Rain and snow is collected underground in a “rock pocket” called an aquifer. Soil pore spaces in the ground become saturated with water, and this maximum depth is called the water table. Groundwater rises to the surface in the form of a spring. Groundwater may also be accessed by drilling a well into the ground.

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Surface water is collected from precipitation and groundwater deposits that reach the surface. in wetlands, oceans, streams, or rivers. Most surface water is not drinkable without treatment, as it comes from the salinated ocean.



For public health and safety, water is treated before it reaches your faucet. Water treatment involves the removal of impurities that make water unsafe for human consumption. This water may flow from a surface water source, or it may be pumped from an aquifer.



There are two main types of water delivery systems: pipes and bottled water. Both deliver drinkable water from the source to your home. Through Pipes to Your Faucet Tap water travels from a public municipal water treatment system or private well to your faucet. A series of pipes transports the water to your home plumbing. If you receive your water from a public municipal water treatment system, the water usually arrives to your household via main line from the distribution system. Many bottled water brands are sourced from a municipal water system or a natural spring. Bottled water may undergo additional purification, as it is regulated under the guidelines of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA).



A public municipal water treatment system treats cities and towns and is managed by an elected official. A private water treatment system may treat a household or a small group of homes. No matter the water treatment system, the water quality standards of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must be followed for a water supply that serves more than 25 people. Chemicals and physical processes are used to filter and disinfect harmful microorganisms. While water treatment systems filter out many different impurities, they don’t necessarily filter out impurities that cause water problems such as bitter taste, foul odor, or mineral deposits.



Wells are drilled into aquifers in order to gain access to water. A pump is used for water withdrawal. Americans who rely on privately owned wells are responsible for the quality of the water pumped from the well, which means they need their own water treatment systems

About us:
UNIWATER FLORIDA is a locally owned and operated company with over 35 years combined experience solving Florida's water problems for families and businesses. Florida water is unique. There is no such thing as a one size fits all water system. Every house is different and every family has different need. We are Floridians who cater to our fellow Floridians. We will be there with you every step of the way while you navigate through your water treatment journey. So whether you were born here or you just moved here we would like to wish you the best and welcome you to join our family.

  • 7825 Bayberry Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32256